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On Being a Video Game Programmer – The Perks and Pitfalls

What is it like to paint as a video game programmer? It is considered by many game-gambling youngsters to be a dream activity. Is it surely as excellent as it sounds? It is an interesting existence. However, as with something else, working as an online game programmer has tremendous and bad aspects.

For the remaining seven years, I have worked as a video game programmer at three improvement studios: Activision/Treyarch, Visual Concepts, and DiscoPixel. I have even posted titles for the Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo consoles. This article summarizes a number of the perks and pitfalls that I have learned through my work at these businesses.

Perk #1 – Make Games!

This one is quite obvious. However, the biggest perk of working at a video game studio is that you will make games. You might be assisting in constructing the following superb sport that potentially tens of millions of people will play and enjoy. A high-quality delight stems from the understanding that you helped make something massive.

Perk #2 – Play Games!

In addition to trying out and improving your current recreation daily, you will also be gambling video games made via other corporations. Few jobs are accessible wherein sitting down and playing a newly launched console title is considered a study. Companies surely want you to stay on top of the era and capabilities of new games, and the most effective way is by gambling on lots of video games. At the businesses I’ve labored at, I’ve never seen everybody get reprimanded for gambling video games at some point in the day.

Perk #3 – Independence

A fantastic element of running as a video game programmer is the independence you are given. You may rarely have a manager breathing down your neck or double-checking the whole lot you do. To get hired into a development studio, you must already have superb programming abilities to give you the freedom to make many selections. You can be assigned a trendy project to complete; however, how that, in reality, must be finished and how long it has to take is often up to you.

Provided that you could accomplish my paintings, the groups I have worked for were usually very inclined to let me work on my terms. When I am tired, bored, or lazy, I may want to cross-play a sport or relax somewhere without everyone complaining. Happy personnel with stepped-forward morale make better video games.

Perk #4 – Fun Office Environment

Everybody working at an online game studio has one aspect in common: they love games. If they failed to love playing games, they might not have been employed to cause them to. Because of this, the office regularly has a laugh or quirky matter anywhere your appearance. Many humans deliver bizarre new objects to show off or play with at some point in the day.

Most online game studios have mass video games and toys around to keep their personnel entertained. A few things that I have encountered at various studios are arcades with loose coin-op games, foosball tables, ping-pong tables, razor scooters, board games, motion figures, puzzles, daylight-hours basketball games, and large stuffed animals. Coming to the workplace means you will work, but there is no reason why it cannot be amusing.

Perk #5- Free Soda + Snacks

This perk is perhaps no longer important to every person, but it’s first-class to realize that you might not be hungry to work at an online game studio. I’ve by no means met a video game enterprise that hasn’t provided loose soda and snacks as a part of the benefits of running there. I think being loaded up on caffeine and sugar allows for a rise in productivity. During long days at the office, agencies will generally offer free dinners as a thank-you for staying late. One employer I worked for served fully catered meals from diverse eating places every night for many weeks.

Pitfall #6 – Long Work Hours

Making video games is a lot of labor. The time needed to make the ultra-modern sport appears to be developing exponentially. Development teams continue to get larger and bigger every year, but one way or the other, the quantity of labor according to man or woman does not appear to get any smaller. Games are very complex. Also, games’ character is that they have to be amusing, which isn’t always usually so easy to pencil into an agenda appropriately. A lot of experimentation is wanted, mainly with new sports ideas.

Before a milestone, specifically a few months before a sport is launched, the painting day can be very intense. The paintings have a way of very quickly piling up. New features and vintage insects suck away all your time. Working long nights or weekends isn’t unusual. Fortunately, personnel typically care about the video games they are making, and their passion enables energizing them via these occasional long shifts.

The stress can get overwhelming, too. At one enterprise, I had a large stack of Trojan Horse reports waiting for me on my chair after getting into the office. I would work all day, scrambling to restore the bugs as quickly as possible, working on complete blasts all day and night. I’d go home for a couple of hours of sleep. However, after I returned to work, a brand new, even large stack of computer virus reviews would be waiting for me.

Typically, after a task has shipped, there may be a downtime period during which the employees can experience threats to relax and recover. The painting load will suddenly appreciably reduce. One corporation gave bonus holiday time after an assignment shipped. Every other positioned employee was “on-call” for approximately a month, wherein they only needed to come to the workplace if there were a few types of trouble. It’s excellent to recognize that long painting hours are no longer ignored.

Pitfall #7 -Choosing What to Work On

Working on your video games in your free time is lots of fun. You get to pick precisely what sport and duties you need to work on, focusing simplest on the amusing stuff. Anything dull may be thoroughly disregarded because the handiest target market is you. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case for massive video game studios. There are many obligations to be finished, some of which are not too glamorous. Fixing console producer requirements violations or building facts gear isn’t very thrilling. Still, it nonetheless desires to be finished using a person to ship the vast product.

These tasks are commonly given to individuals just beginning in the online game industry, perhaps as a rite of passage, but probably just because nobody wants to do them. In addition to the opportunity of operating on much less glamorous obligations, you could be assigned a venture wthatyou aren’t curious about. Typically, the enterprise will let you work on initiatives that interest you; however, this is not usually feasible. A precise task could fall behind schedule, and it needs a few more employees to restore a few insects or add a few new functions. Or, the venture you are interested in already has sufficient workers.

I assume that the employees’ passion for running at a video game studio is important to fulfilling that sport. If you are not excited about what you’re working on, it will show in the sport you’re developing. To avoid misunderstandings or letdowns, before figuring out how to paint at a specific organization, it’s vital to discover what recreation you’ll be operating on and what tasks you will be assigned.

Pitfall #8-Pay Not as Good (Maybe?)

I’ve heard from a few people that the pay for operating as a video game programmer isn’t always as accurate because the pay runs at more conventional businesses. Business database programmers, for example, could bear extra money. This might be authentic. However, selecting your profession is not pretty much what they pay. You spend a massive percentage of your lifestyle on your task. Money isn’t the whole thing. Choosing something wthatyou experience is important, too.

I thought the pay for the groups I have worked at was very reasonable. There is also a big potential upside from royalty checks coming from a sport that sells properly, which has often grown to become large. You will still be like a pauper if you get a programmer at an online game enterprise.


I hope that this article has helped you learn a little bit about working as a video game programmer. As with everything in life, there are pros and cons to this profession. If what you have examined sounds good to you, I hope you find that dream job making the next splendid bestselling recreation.

About author

Social media trailblazer. Analyst. Web evangelist. Thinker. Twitter advocate. Internetaholic.Once had a dream of deploying jungle gyms in Gainesville, FL. Spent several years getting to know psoriasis in Prescott, AZ. Was quite successful at analyzing human growth hormone in Ohio. Spent 2001-2008 donating cod worldwide. Developed several new methods for supervising the production of country music in Edison, NJ. Practiced in the art of developing strategies for UFOs in Naples, FL.
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