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How to Save Battery Life on the HTC EVO

Like thousands, I ran out commencing weekend and grabbed a Sprint HTC EVO. The EVO is the best cellphone I have ever owned. Yet the most important complaint going through the EVO is battery lifestyles. The good news is that I have found several tricks and tips to increase the battery’s existence by over 50%, and I am here to share them with you.

The number one criticism I continually examine about elite device phones or smartphones is their battery lifestyles. The battery difficulty is not only relegated to the HTC EVO. I averted the iPhone and iPods for a few years because of their problems when it came to battery life. Fortunately for you EVO owners, it doesn’t continually have to be that way.

Now, if you leave your HTC EVO installation the way it is while you open the container, you will be disenchanted with the phone’s battery life. If you leave your telephone on with the 4G community enabled, your EVO’s battery life can no longer last the day. I found out that the hard way. That said, here are a few easy steps you could take to increase your EVO’s battery life by over 50%.


Tip #1 –

Download the Advanced Task Killer app from the app store. If I were to rank the have-to-have apps for the EVO, this would be number one. Go to the marketplace icon on your telephone, type in “Advanced Task Killer,” and download it. It is free. Once you’ve downloaded it, could you put it on your property display? Click it, and you may see a list of every app and undertaking walking in your EVO. I was taken aback the first time I did it, and you’ll be too.

Some of these apps to your EVO will switch on routinely without a rhyme or motive. Unless you see the apps jogging, you’ll have no concept. These apps are bleeding the battery life of your cell phone dry! Check every app you need to kill and tap “Kill decided on apps.” I take a look at all of them. I will flip them on if and once I need them. This toddler will save you massive time in your battery life, and it is free.

Tip #2 –

Download the Battery Status Pro app from the app store. If I rank the ought-to-have EVO apps, this will be a variety. This is an exceptional app, and it’s far from 100% lost. Once again, go to the marketplace, place an icon on your cell phone, type in “Battery Status Pro,” and download it. There is a paid and loose model. You most effectively need the free model. Please put this on your home display after you download it. Tap it, and you may see a breakdown of the battery lifestyles left for your telephone. You get down to the second time left on your battery in numerous modes, including standby time, talk time, internet use (without or with Wi-Fi), etc. This app will allow you to understand exactly how much time you’ve got for anything you want to do. This is an extraordinary manner of budgeting your battery existence, so you do not waste it on something you do now not need.

Tip #3-

Change the brightness of your property screen. Out of the container, your HTC EVO is as vivid as a summertime day’s solar. It looks high-quality; however, you do not need all that brightness now, except if you’re in a dark place. Tap your menu button on the bottom of the EVO and go to Settings – Sounds & Display – Brightness. You can slide your bar to the left to darken your telephone and save several battery lives there. When you make this easy adjustment, you’ll be surprised at the difference in the existence of your EVO’s battery.

Tip #4 –

Turn off that 4G! I am still no longer satisfied that 4G is the be-all and end-all Sprint is making it out to be. 4G is fine, and also, you pay for it, but it’ll suck your battery dry. You do not need it. 3G is just as speedy, and it will no longer nearly do the damage to your battery life that 4G will do. I rarely use the 4G if I have my EVO plugged in someplace. To turn it off, tap your Menu button on the lowest of the smartphone, and go to Settings-Wireless & Networks – 4G. Tap the 4G button and watch it disconnect. Your phone will now be connected to the community through 3G. At the same time, you’re in Wireless & Networks, so tap the button after Wi-Fi. This will disconnect your EVO from continuously attempting to find Wi-Fi networks to drain your battery. If you need to connect to a Wi-Fi network, tap it again to turn it on.

Tip #5-

Adjust your email settings. Users can regulate the frequency at which the community searches for their emails. If your EVO attempts to find your emails every 5 minutes, those searches every few minutes will assist in draining your battery. Go to Messages, faucet the menu button at the bottom-More- Settings-Send & Receive-Set download frequency. You may modify the network to test for the brand-spanking new mail every 5-60 minutes. I might recommend each half-hour Depending on the account and how regularly you want to look at new emails. You can usually open your messages to refresh and convey any new mail automatically. However, this tiny adjustment will assist in storing quite a piece of battery existence for the day.

Tip #6 –

Turn off your social networks. The EVO offers a ton of extraordinary apps for social networking. Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter all have their apps. This simplifies life if you are as worried about how society works as I am. However, a default setting on most apps will maintain them indefinitely so you can create instantaneous notifications across your network. This is done nicely and properly; however, that tiny luxury will kill your battery lifestyle. Make sure you have these apps prepared no longer to update mechanically. To ensure, faucet your Advanced Task Killer and kill them if they may be running.

Tip #7 –

Make certain to turn off your house display. If you are like me, you want to keep your smartphone open constantly for brand-spanking new emails, notifications, etc. However, this could kill your battery and isn’t always usually important if you are busy or won’t need the cellphone right now; simply clearly faucet the button on the very pinnacle of your smartphone. This places your telephone into sleep mode. Your cell phone remains on, and you’ll pay attention to notifications. However, leaving the EVO in standby mode will keep hours on your battery lifestyles.

Additionally, ensure your home screen times out at some unspecified time if you neglect to do that manually. Go to the Menu button on the backside, after which Settings-Sound & Display – Screen timeout. Here, you can have your house close anywhere from 15 seconds to by no means. For me, 15 seconds is a touch too short. I want to maintain mine set to 2 mins. I could save a bit extra life on the battery by taking it right down to a minute. However, this is too short for me, and I need to know how I use my EVO. Either way, you have many options right here; make certain you use them.

About author

Social media trailblazer. Analyst. Web evangelist. Thinker. Twitter advocate. Internetaholic.Once had a dream of deploying jungle gyms in Gainesville, FL. Spent several years getting to know psoriasis in Prescott, AZ. Was quite successful at analyzing human growth hormone in Ohio. Spent 2001-2008 donating cod worldwide. Developed several new methods for supervising the production of country music in Edison, NJ. Practiced in the art of developing strategies for UFOs in Naples, FL.
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