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Winning the Game of Life

Sports and video games are fairly clean to decide who the winner is. The winner is the man or woman or group with the most points, the most cash, maybe the least points (golf), or the shortest period (races). Everyone else loses. On a different day, I wondered – how do you win the game of lifestyles? What might be considered a “victory” when you get to the quit? Life is not a game with the simplest one winner; we all have the hazard of going away from an enduring legacy if we so prefer to. Winning the game of existence may be unique for all people; however, thinking about what you, in my opinion, could recollect a “win” might open your eyes a chunk. It surely did for me.


For me, the whole lot starts right here. Seeking God’s wisdom and guidance is the most vital thing in existence, as everything else flows from this. Without consciously searching for God’s steering on an ordinary basis, selection-making can be very doubtful as it isn’t always so clean to inform which voice for your head is that of God and that of the ego. If conscious touch with God is the most important issue in lifestyles, it should be where I devote most of my time and effort, right? Not even near. Right out of the gate, that is a huge eye-opener for me.

The ego is excellent at creating a lifestyle that edges God out. Edge God Out = EGO. I sincerely agree that if we ought to open our minds to God’s will for us, we would find ourselves blessed at degrees past our comprehension. And therein lies the hassle—how can we acquire anything that is beyond our comprehension?

Receiving God’s items takes religion and faith to a high stage, and it’ll sustain you via the fear of making the important changes to help you stay in the existence God willed for you. Faith is this strong need to be worked on, cultivated, and well-known. It comes from having a strong relationship with God. The most vital element in existence is aware touch with God. If I get to life’s end line and appearance returned and spot that I built a robust relationship with God, clearly got in touch with His will for me, and accompanied that route to the highest of my capacity. I’ll bear in mind that it’s a win.


I love the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. One of my favorite parts is when they show Jimmy Stewart’s character what could have taken place had he never been born and how many lives he impacted in a high-quality manner. People generally fall into “What can I get?” or “How can I serve?” The people with the best fulfillment know “How can I serve?”

The “What can I get?” mindset will never apprehend the “How can I serve?” mindset except in a way that they may attempt to take advantage of for their own private gains. If you specialize in how you could get something for nothing and/or rip off your way through life, then people with the “How can I serve?” mindset are ideal goals, right? They need to assist.

Often, there is training to be learned in both aspects while the two interact. The “What can I get?” mindset desires to analyze that the whole thing they seek might come to them much easier by switching to a “How can I serve?” mindset. The “How can I serve?” attitude regularly has to be analyzed, and once coping with a “What can I get?” mindset, the first-rate help often is no help. When you deliver anyone something, they do not like paintings, for they may not genuinely admire it.

I need to assist everybody I can besides myself continually. Whatever conditions are put into my lifestyle, I am looking for God’s will and searching for how I can serve and what the lesson is for me. Looking again at my lifestyle, I ought to help everyone and sundry because I did the first-rate. I, in any way viable, could be considered a win.


I do not need to appear again at my existence and spot that my days were spent full of anxiety, fear, and despair. Hatred, fear, and anger held such a strong keep over me for a goodbye that I always wanted to allow them no longer to benefit a foothold in my lifestyle. I’m calling my e-book “FEED YOUR ANGEL” due to the fact I consider the first-rate way to cope with this is to attend to what is going right for your lifestyle, to look at what is viable, and to see that with God by using your facet there are no limits for your capability.

As creatures of routine, we dig ruts in our lives. Every day, we journey through a rut that gets deeper. Most ruts are ego-based and complete with tension, fear, and despair. The deeper the rut, the greater the fear of climbing out and heading an exceptional path. Humans have ruts going for walks through many regions of our lives – relationships, work, money, and mindset. I dug an attitude rut for myself that I keep digging out of every day. Some days, the rut nevertheless wins.

Living from the place within you that knows only love, joy, and peace is not necessarily as clean as it sounds. Jobs and a circle of relatives have demands; demands can cause pressure, and strain feeds on tension, fear, and fear. If I do not spend quite a little time specializing in what is ideal and right with my existence, I will unavoidably start to slide. The ego is a powerful force that seeps into any place. It sees the weak points, doubts, fears, concerns, and anxieties.

Mindset is a daily battle for me. I realize that if I need to affect others’ lives superbly, my attitude has to be focused on what is good and proper. Love is the emotion that influences others. Love, pleasure, and passion – those are the features I wish to exude. So, it is my listing. I will win the game of life by increasing my conscious touch with God, following His will for me to the first class of my capacity, and supporting as many people in the way that I can by dwelling my lifestyles specializing in love, pleasure, and peace.

About author

Social media trailblazer. Analyst. Web evangelist. Thinker. Twitter advocate. Internetaholic.Once had a dream of deploying jungle gyms in Gainesville, FL. Spent several years getting to know psoriasis in Prescott, AZ. Was quite successful at analyzing human growth hormone in Ohio. Spent 2001-2008 donating cod worldwide. Developed several new methods for supervising the production of country music in Edison, NJ. Practiced in the art of developing strategies for UFOs in Naples, FL.
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